Plastic Surgery Hair Restoration

It’s no secret that balding is one of the most pervasive cosmetic issues in the world. It is estimated that over 80% of men and almost 50% of women will suffer some amount of significant hair loss at some point in their lives. Throughout history, patients and health practitioners have asked the question: can hair loss be reversed?

Are hair follicles still present in the balding scalp?

This is ultimately a question of time. Patients who notice hair thinning early on or who have a family history of balding can take preventative measures against alopecia. Provided that the patient’s hair follicles are still in the scalp and have simply gone dormant, hair loss can be stopped dead in its tracks and even reversed. 

PRP therapy can reverse hair loss 

In recent years, PRP treatments have become incredibly useful in various spheres. PRP stands for Platelet-rich Plasma. Platelets are tiny cell fragments that are found in the blood and are rich in various growth factors and cytokines. They play a major role in processes such as tissue regeneration and production. 

Platelet-rich plasma is created by drawing blood from the patient and using a centrifuge to increase the concentration of platelets, making it the ideal serum for achieving various improvements (including hair restoration). Our facility at the Wise Institute for Hair Restoration is equipped with the highest quality and most effective centrifuge technology, allowing us to create incredibly potent PRP from the patient’s blood. This platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the patient’s scalp, awakening the dormant hair follicles. This process is usually followed by a microneedling session. 

The combination of PRP injections and microneedling is effective at stimulating the stem cells in the hair root, reviving dormant hair follicles, and putting them into “growth mode.” As a bonus, areas of the scalp that are not balding will also become thicker. The entire scalp starts to produce thicker hair, and patients are able to enjoy their tresses once again. 

PRP treatment is also a great option for patients who are experiencing telogen effluvium, a type of hair loss that occurs after a stressful life event, such as extreme weight loss, traumatic experiences, poor diet, or hormone imbalances. It can also happen to women following childbirth (a condition known as post-partum hair loss). That said, PRP therapy is only an option for patients who are in the early stages of balding, as cases of advanced balding are not responsive to the treatment. 

What can be done for patients who are already bald?

Patients who are already further along in the hair loss process will not benefit from PRP treatments. The best option for patients with these conditions is hair transplant surgery, a process that involves extracting hair grafts or follicles from areas of the scalp that are immune to DHT (the hormone responsible for follicular miniaturization). These follicles are usually taken from the back of the head and then transplanted into areas that are affected by balding (most often the hairline and crown). 

Hair follicles can be extracted using one of two methods: FUE (follicular unit extraction) or the strip technique. As the name suggests, the strip technique involves cutting a strip of hair from the back of the scalp for transplantation. FUE, on the other hand, is a process that involves extracting hair grafts one at a time. Most patients choose the FUE route simply because it’s less invasive and there are no visible scars afterward. The other benefit is that FUE typically elicits results that are more natural-looking. The follicles can be carefully implanted into the balding areas in a pattern that looks natural to onlookers. This newly transplanted hair will grow naturally along with the surrounding hair, leaving no sign of transplantation. 

Who is an ideal candidate for hair transplantation?

Ideal candidates for hair transplantation will have baldness in certain areas of the scalp, including the hairline and crown, and will have an ample amount of hair to be extracted from the donor sites (back of the head). Patients who suffer from diffuse thinning, a condition in which hair loss occurs all over the scalp all at once, may not be candidates for the procedure. This is simply due to the fact that the donor hair will have a hard time surviving if all of the hair around it is susceptible to balding. 

At the Wise Institute for Hair Restoration, we offer complimentary consultations so that patients can meet with us to discuss their hair loss concerns and goals. We carry out an extensive assessment of the patient’s hair to determine whether or not they are a good fit for the procedure and curate a treatment plan that will help them get to where they want to be. 

What is the takeaway?

Thanks to modern technology, there are now various methods that patients can rely on for fighting and reversing hair loss. Patients who are early on in their hair loss journey and whose hair follicles are still active can see a massive benefit from PRP treatments. Those who are further along in the hair loss process may need to rely on a solution such as hair transplants. Whatever the case may be, patients can rest assured that there is a way for them to overcome this challenge. 

At the Wise Institute for Hair Restoration, we pride ourselves on providing our patients with the best in hair loss treatments. Reach out to us today to set up a private consultation and learn more about your treatment options. 

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