Plastic Surgery Hair Restoration

What is Female Hair Loss?

Female hair loss, also known as female pattern baldness, impacts up to 40% of women by the age of 50. Dr. Wise–and his team in the Wayne, New Jersey, Wise Center for Plastic Surgery–utilize both FUE and FUT Hair Transplantation to restore a full, healthy head of hair for women who are dealing with this common concern. Both FUE and FUT are proven, highly effective methods to reverse hair loss.

FUE, short for “follicular unit extraction,” is an innovative, scarless hair transplantation technique. FUT, short for "follicular unit transplantation," includes harvesting hair follicles by surgically removing a very small strip of scalp from the thicker-growing hair at the back of the head. The scar is very small and isn't visible unless the hair is worn in a very short style.

Hair Restoration for Women

Dr. Wise offers state-of-the-art options for women facing hair loss who would like to restore their own living and growing hair. Ideal candidates for both FUT and FUE hair transplantation include any woman who has sufficient thickness of donor hair on the back of the scalp.

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FUE: The Details

For women experiencing hair loss, the FUE Hair Transplant provides a non-surgical alternative–even for large areas of the head. FUE can be a preferred alternative to the FUT strip method, especially for women with a busy lifestyle who do not have time for a lengthy recovery. During FUE, individual hair follicles are removed from the back or sides of the scalp where the hair is dense and transplanted into another. This is in contrast to FUT, where an incision is made in the back of the head. With FUE, Dr. Wise’s female patients can return to work in a few days to a week.

FUT: The Details

Women with more extensive balding and who don't plan to wear very short hairstyles are the ideal choice for the FUT procedure, which is highly effective and considered the gold standard in hair restoration procedures. During FUT, a small strip of scalp is removed, and the area is meticulously closed to leave minimal scarring. The hair follicles are extracted from the strip of the scalp in individual “follicular units.”  The units of hair follicles are transplanted to the treatment area, where the hair is thin and placed with a tiny incision in a pattern that appears highly natural.

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What to Expect During the Procedure

Whether FUT or FUE is performed, Dr. Wise completely controls any pain the patient may experience with local anesthesia during the procedure. Patients are generally surprised at how comfortable they are throughout the procedure.

Dr. Wise focuses on designing a natural hairline for each of his patients. He uses single hair grafts for the hairline to accomplish this goal. The direction of growth is also equally important, and grafts must be placed in a natural direction. Otherwise, the hair may grow, but the appearance will not look natural, and/or your hair will not be manageable.

Recovery after FUE is usually minimal. In most cases, patients return to work within a few days. However, the patient should be careful to avoid too much activity, which can cause an increase in swelling of the forehead. 

After FUT, you will need to rest and recover for about ten days before the stitches are removed. The recovery period is more involved, as the procedure is a minor surgery but generally easily manageable. We will provide full aftercare instructions and follow-up to ensure your recovery process goes smoothly.

Femal Hair LossBefore & After

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Lifelong Hair Growth

Generally, a patient can expect that most of the follicles will shed their hair after the procedure. The first hair growth in these follicles is usually noticed between 3 and 4 months. About 50% of them will start growing within six months or so, and around 95% will have started growing at about one year. Full density will not generally be seen until at least a year and a half post-procedure. However, even at about 8-9 months, impressive density is usually noticed.

It is likely that the grafted follicles will continue to grow hair for the patient’s lifetime.* If the grafts are taken from an area that will not lose hair over the lifetime of the patient, the grafted follicles will continue growing hair as they would have at the donor site. The best donor areas would be in the back and sides of the scalp. These follicles are genetically coded to resist baldness.

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