Plastic Surgery Hair Restoration

Best-In-Class Pulsed Dye LaserSafe, Effective Treatment for Your Skin; Trust the Vbeam Perfecta to Safely and Effectively Treat the Following:

  • Redness of the Face and Neck
  • Rosacea
  • Sun Spots
  • Age Spots
  • Facial and Leg Veins
  • Freckles
  • Scars and Stretch Marks
  • Psoriasis
  • Poikiloderma
  • Port Wine Stains

Vbeam uses Pulsed Dye Laser (PDL) technology to deliver an intense but gentle burst of light into targeted areas of the skin. There it’s absorbed by the blood vessels or melanin pigmented areas, safely treating the condition.

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What is the Vbeam Treatment Like?

Most patients are reclining or lying down, depending on the area being treated. The laser will be calibrated, and parameters will be set based on the specific condition being treated. Patients often report a warming or tingling sensation during the treatment, although anesthetics are usually not required.

Are the Treatments Painful?

Most patients report a sensation similar to mild sunburn after the treatment. During the treatment, skin receives additional protection through the patented Dynamic Cooling Device™ (DCD™), which delivers a cooling burst of cryogen before the laser pulse is delivered. The DCD increases comfort during treatment and minimizes side effects such as redness.

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Is PDL Treatment Safe, and Are There Any Side Effects?

Yes, PDL treatments have been used since the 1980s for the treatment of port wine stains in infants and young children. The DCD goes a long way toward ensuring both the patient’s comfort and the protection of the treated skin.

Some patients experience redness immediately after treatment, but it usually goes away in a few hours. Occasionally, a laser bruise called purpura may occur; this usually disappears in three to five days.

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Are PDL Treatments Permanent?

Permanency depends on several factors, including the condition being treated and the patient’s lifestyle. Sunspots, for example, may return if the patient continues to spend time in the sun without protection. Talk with your practitioner about your goals and expectations for treatment.

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What Precautions Should I Take Before or After Treatment?

Avoid sun exposure before and throughout treatments; SPF 30 or higher sunblock should be worn daily during this time. Post-treatment care varies depending on the condition and should be discussed with your practitioner.

Acne Treatment with Vbeam

Vbeam treatments can significantly improve the quality of facial skin damaged by acne. If you are one of the countless people who struggle with acne breakouts, you may have been left with red patches on your facial skin. Vbeam treatments are fast, comfortable, and non-invasive, and an excellent way to treat skin discoloration associated with acne.

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How Does the VBEAM Work?

The Vbeam system is FDA-approved for the treatment of active acne and the reduction of the discoloration associated with acne breakouts. It is a laser treatment that employs several types of light waves that trigger natural collagen production deep within the skin while decreasing the activity of facial oil glands to reduce the number of acne breakouts. Called a “pulsed dye laser,” the Vbeam emits pulses of light to target red pigment in the skin without damaging the surrounding tissue.

What Are the Benefits of Vbeam Acne Treatment?

This treatment has many benefits, including:

  • Reduces the risk of acne breakouts
  • Reduces the appearance of acne scars
  • Smooths skin
  • Restores a more even skin tone
  • Fast treatment, little downtime
  • Triggers collagen production

Vbeam Acne Treatment: What to Expect

The treatment does not involve great discomfort and involves a sensation of a snap against the skin. Prior to each pulse, a spray is emitted to cool the skin for greater patient comfort. For those who are very sensitive, topical anesthesia can be applied prior to treatment.

After Vbeam Acne Treatment

After your treatment, apply an ice pack to limit swelling. It is normal to experience minor swelling and redness, similar to a mild sunburn. You should avoid hot water, vigorous exercise, massage, undergoing a facial, or enjoying a hot tub or sauna for about one week. Avoid sun exposure for two weeks prior to and following your treatment. It would not be uncommon to experience swelling and bruising, which typically disappears within a week.

Additional Before & Afters

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*The Content/Images On This Website Are Not A Guarantee Of Individual Results. Individual Results May Vary. The Information Provided On This Site Is For General Informational Purposes Only, And Does Not Replace The Need For A Formal Consultation.

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Reduce unwanted fat and tighten skin without extensive anesthesia or liposuction with this non-surgical option. 

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